Monday - Friday: 7:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Starbrite's FAQs

Is there an advantage to classroom instruction as opposed to online auditor training?

Yes. Online courses are fine for just getting theory. The reality is that there is more than theory to auditing, and that is practical auditing interaction that only comes in the classroom. Often, student evaluations include remarks about how helpful the illustrations and application from real auditors were to them. It also allows students to hear questions from others that might be applicable to their situation.

How much of the total time is a lecture?

The class is designed with a mix of lectures and activities. The courses are more interactive than lecture oriented.

What sets Starbrite's classes apart from others?

The main difference in Don's classes is the emphasis on human interaction. He spends time helping students understand the relational qualifications that make a good auditor. Many organizations can relate to the horror an auditor can bring to their associates because of the auditor's lack of personal skills. In these courses, Don spends time helping students understand that being able to apply the standards to the audited organization is not as important to the client as skillfully conducting themselves in any situation.

Why are Starbrite's classes lower in price compared to competitors?

Starbrite's Lead Auditor class is a lower price because the 4-day format reduces the overhead costs.